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Learning to Invest

You’ll be an expert in no time.

Investing can be scary at first. It feels difficult and risky to leap into the unknown and do something new with your money. We believe the best way to set you up for success is to give you the information you need, upfront and honestly.

We want to work with you, to understand what you want, what you’re comfortable with, and what you can afford to do. Our goal, like yours, is to set you up as a confident investor navigating the path to your financial future.

So, let’s get started. We’re ready when you are.

Become a New Neighbour

Where are your finances at today?

We’ll get things started by sitting down with you and getting the full financial picture. Then we’ll set you on a path to success, with a diversified portfolio and well thought out plan in hand. It’s really that easy.


No matter your goals, it’s important to know what you’re comfortable with. This will help you determine what kind of investor you are and how you’ll get to your end goal. To get started, you should be able to answer the following:

What is my tolerance for risk?

Up, down, bull, bare. The markets are always changing, and you’ll see it all as you begin to invest. You’ll need to determine how much fluctuation you can weather, and how much risk you’re willing to take on with your portfolio. It’s worth noting that to earn a higher return, you have to be comfortable taking on more risk. Think about where you fall. Are you aggressive? Conservative? Or somewhere in between?

What is my timeline?

When do you need to access your investments? Your timeline reflects the period from now until this time. This is an important factor in determining risk and asset allocation.

How involved do I want to be?

Plugged into the markets? If you enjoy checking out new businesses and researching up and coming opportunities, you might just be a hands-on investor.

Or, do you prefer to spend your time elsewhere, leaving your money in the hands of professionals? You might be a hands-off investor.


Whatever kind of investor you are, we've got an expert team, a plan, and a custom solution to suit your needs. All you have to do is ask.



We aren’t interested in "cookie cutter" solutions, and we’re pretty sure you aren’t either. Innovation and convenience are the foundations we want to build your financial castle on, and that starts with our wealth advisors.

Knowing how to manage wealth and its impact on our community is what we do—and we’re really good at it.

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Step 1

Discovery & Analysis

Not sure how to begin? Start with one of our dedicated wealth advisors. At YNCU, we believe in building long-term relationships with our members. We get to know not just your investments, but the things that matter to you: your family, hobbies, career, and life goals. 

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Step 2

Create Goals

Once we've got the full picture, we can work together to start establishing goals. Goals which reflect you and your unique needs and wants. Working together, we'll figure out your investment style and build up your financial expertise so you can make decisions with confidence.  

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Step 3

Flexible Client-Centred Solutions

We may not be richer than you think, but we do have a wealth of experience in creating successful plans to achieve our members' objectives. We'll put that experience to work for you, offering advice and laying out your custom roadmap to the future.

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Step 4

Monitor, Report, Optimize

Once we've set you on your path, we'll make sure you get where you need to go with ongoing monitoring, assessments, and optimizations. We skip the jargon and bureaucratic process to report back clearly and regularly, so you can relax knowing we're keeping an eye out and making it easier than ever to maximize your return and achieve your goals. 

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You’ve worked hard all your life. Now it’s time to let your money work for you. Understand your investment options to plan a clear path to a secure retirement.


Mutual funds are offered through Credential Asset Management Inc. Mutual funds and other securities are offered through Credential Securities, a division of Credential Qtrade Securities Inc. Credential Securities is a registered mark owned by Aviso Wealth Inc. Online brokerage services are offered through Qtrade Direct Investing, a division of Credential Qtrade Securities Inc. Qtrade and Qtrade Direct Investing are trade names and/or trademarks of Aviso Wealth. Qtrade Guided Portfolios is a trade name of Credential Qtrade Securities Inc.